Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 10, 2008


Today is Friday, from early moring, it has been raining. I went to work under rain and nearly I was as wet as a drowned rat. When I went into the room, the half of room in water, including Hubs, mordem … It was very dangerous if someone turned on switch.

Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 10, 2008


The younger sister of my friend died last Friday, I head that yesterday. Last night I went to her house with my sister. My friend was so sad, she seemed to want to cry when she saw me.She told me that her younger sister died because of cancer disease. She was in hurry so I coudn't ask anything after that. I felt a little sad for her. I hope she will get over soon.

Today is the Viet Nam Women day (20-10), all of members in my company went to HoangTy restaurant anh had lunch with girdle cake of Trang Bang (Tay Ninh), it was very delicious. Maybe in someday, I will take my family to go there (hihi). In the plan, next two weeks, we will go to Vung Tau City. I hope that it will come true.

Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 10, 2008


Today is Friday, I feel happy all day, maybe the reason is tomorrow is weekend (hihi) . I was absent in my English class this evening because I had not prepared the lesson before. I don't know I was right or wrong when I decided that. I promise myself that I will study hard and live in pleasure, that make me feel better more.

Tomorrow, I am going to go to Moc Bai Market in Tay Ninh with my close friend, Tam Linh. We are going to buy something, mostly we want to go out to relax. I hope we will have a good trip. Please go with me, My God.

Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 10, 2008


Today, I go to work as usual but there is nothing to do in my company. I feel boring and my eyes are full of sleep. This morning I practised to type on my computer with a software and after that I listened English. I want to become a person who is good at English, but English turned out to be more difficult than I thought. I need something which encourage me to study as a good goal. Maybe the reason that I haven't set myself a goal. Try, Try, I would do better to do than wait a miraculous thing, do you think so? "Better late than never", this is the sentence I like very much, if only I studied hard sooner. I hope that I study English to become a teacher in the future, if not it is still usefull for my job since my job requires to have good english skills, specially, reading skill. Only if I realize the importance of studying English will I study hard. Sometimes, I asked myself whether I wanted to study, why I was lazy like that. From now, I will study English hard whether or not I will be good for me. Everything is not complex, it is up to your attitude.

Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 10, 2008


In the day before, I thought too much about everything about me. I used to think about the bad thing, so it made me more and more disappointed. When I read a book which I read last year, I feel better now. I am practising the way of thinking, I am going to think about the beautiful things in my life. I believe in God. Thank my God.

Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 10, 2008

It is raining ...

Today, it is raining and I can't go home now. I stay at my company and write something for my blog. For a long time, I haven't written any entry. I have felt so sad some recent days, I felt very lonely. I wish someone had saw me.